Heart Attack


Hi everyone! This is Sara & today I am sharing a sweet little thing we do for our kiddos during the month of February. We call it Heart Attack! We just grabbed a pile of construction paper or card stock in a variety of reds, pinks & purples. I found a heart shaped template online but a cooke cutter would work great too! We cut out 28 hearts for each kiddo (this year it will have to be 29 since it's a leap year).


My husband & I take turns each day during the month of February writing something that we love about that child & taping it to their door before they wake up!

Here's the thing raising teenagers is HARD. Raising kids of all ages is HARD. This simple activity blesses both the giver & the receiver. Our girls look forward to seeing their heart up each day & reading what we have to say. They truly light up because really, don't we all like to hear good things about ourselves?! & it is also good for us as parents, to take a minute & remember all the reasons we love our kiddos! (Especially when we are in the trenches of busy, every day life).

While our older two are not living at home anymore, if they happen to be home for a weekend during the month of February, we are sure to bless them with a heart each day too.

Just a simple tip from me to help you love on others more intentionally! I think this can work for kiddos of all ages & even your signficant other too!


What's up Wednesday


Feel Good Friday