Life Lately
Calling all of my prayer warrior sisters!!! This platform has always been much bigger to me than just connecting with others over a shared love for a good deal. There is a sweet little girl from my hometown in desperate need of a miracle. Would you please join me in praying for her & her family?
Some of her family members have ordered these bracelets as a reminder for us to pray, pray, pray & to raise funds for the family. My mom & I purchased them for all of the teachers + students in her 2nd grade class. I know so many of you are my sisters in faith & I think it would be truly amazing if we could purchase bracelets for every child in her school. Each bracelet is $10, so if you by chance feel led to donate, my venmo is @AlliRice96 & my paypal is allirice.
I am so thankful for this community & know that many of you will hear my heart when I say THANK YOU for however you choose to help support this family.
Please pray for sweet Maddie & her family!
what I've been up to...
Well this week definitely didn’t go as planned. I ended up spending 3.5 hours at the ER on Sunday evening. 1 round of anti nausea, 1 round of fluids, 1 round of antibiotics, 6 rounds of pain meds, lab work & a CT scan later… I can officially say that kidney stones are truly THE WORST. I saw my Dr on Wednesday morning because I was still having some pain & it turns out I’ve got a kidney infection. Good grief! So I’ve got some more antibiotics & looking forward to healing.
I am very thankful for the kind & supportive staff at the ER, for my helpful friends & coworkers, for my dad who came to stay with me, for my mom who has picked up all of my slack on this little corner of the internet, & for Piper who has snuggled me through it all!
Hello October!
Ever since I started working in a school (in 2019), I’ve mailed out a school picture to my close friends & family. This sweet little tradition has become so fun! But I think the pictures with my furry little sidekick have become my favorites!! Miss Rice & Piper the therapy dog - middle school counselor year five!
One week later & I am feeling SO MUCH BETTER! I was able to work the book for the middle school volleyball tournament on Saturday & I was so happy to get to watch my girls play. Thankful for quality medicine & care to get me back on track!
outfits of the week...
For the past year or so I’ve started *trying* to consistently share my OOTD (outfit of the day) just for fun! I’m typically able to link most pieces, but I also just share it to hopefully give a bit of inspiration & show you that you can recreate my outfits by just using pieces from your own closet.
in case you missed it...
As you may have seen, I started a new weekly post where I share my Weekly Sale Finds! I’ve been sharing them daily on my Instagram stories & I figured I could compile all of them from the week into one post so that y’all can see them, too! You can click here to read that post.
If you follow me on Instagram or LTK, then you’ve probably noticed that I have really stepped up my game when it comes to collages of sales, outfit inspos & new items. Well, that is all thanks to my younger sisters, Bethany & Avery. They’re “poor college students” & my mom & I were looking for some extra help on the blog, so it just made sense to bring them on board! We’ll be compiling all of the collages into one post each week so that they’re all in one place & to give those who don’t use social media a place to find them! Check out their post by clicking here!
So many of you loved my teacher outfits: back-to-school edition post & fall edition posts, so I decided to keep going & create one for fall sports too! Just like the others, I plan to keep adding to it. I won’t be checking to see if things are still in stock, so keep that in mind. I hope that you can use it as a source of inspiration to put together some fun game day outfits! Click here to read this post.
Many of you have said you miss seeing sales in Instagram stories, but unfortunately, Instagram doesn’t love them as much as we do! The more I share, the less it shows. So I’ve created a private facebook group that will ONLY have sales! Join us & grab all the DEALS on all the things! You’ll find deals in fashion, beauty, home, & school items! Facebook group is linked here.
I recently purged my closets & posted about it on Instagram. I had a bunch of people asking if I’d be selling those clothes, so I created a private facebook group to share them! If you’d like to be added to the group, please send your name & email & I’ll get the link sent to ya! You can either comment below if you feel comfortable, or send me an email at
Follow me on Instagram (@simplysmalltowncounselor) or on LTK (simplysmalltowncounselor) for more outfit inspiration!
Don’t forget to go to the home page & sign up for emails so you never miss a post!!
PS – this post contained affiliate links… thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!