Feel Good Friday
If I'm being completely honest, this week was one of the hardest weeks so far. It just felt very long & the weather really wasn't that great which meant we didn't spend as much time outside. I just feel like I've been in quarantine forever & I'm not going to get out any time soon. & that makes me feel weary & wonder when this whole thing will be over. This week we found out that the "stay at home" order for Kansas has been extended to May 3rd. MAY THIRD, PEOPLE. *insert world's longest sigh here*
I've also been thinking a lot about what the "new normal" is going to look like. SO many unknowns & not enough answers. I'm sorry for being a total bump on a log right now, but I'm trying my best to be authentic & real & share what's really going on in my life (including inside my head). I'm a big believer in truly accepting & "feeling your feelings", but it's crucial not to dwell on them. Hoping for better weather & a better attitude next week!
what we've been up to...
This week I shared a post featuring some of my favorite active wear / comfy pieces that I've been getting a ton of use out of lately because #coronavirus & #quarantine!
Sharing that link here in case you missed it!
Update on our yard work projects!
Over the weekend the cement truck came & was able to successfully lay the cement! It took the better half of the day & was incredibly satisfying to watch, especially as they smoothed everything out. We probably could've sat there watching them all day.
Avery decided that this year she wanted to test out her green thumb abilities. She got together (at a safe distance) with our Grandma's husband who always has the most phenomenal gardens (including a large section JUST for flowers). He helped her plant gladiolus, snapdragons, geraniums, cosmos, zinnias, & butterfly milkweed! They also potted a bunch of petunias that she placed around our house. She did such a great job! I can't wait to see how they grow & add more color to our home.
We also cleaned out the garage & garden shed. Whenever I was moving to a different college house (which happened every single year lol sorry Dad) or if we're going on vacation, my Dad is the one we ask for help because he's SO good at packing. Well, he apparently is also really good at "packing" in his shed. ... so. much. stuff. My Mom & I could probably be professional organizers if that was actually a thing so now that we've been in there, it looks pretty immaculate, even for a shed!
On Sunday we celebrated our risen Lord! One of our favorite little dishes is deviled eggs. Every single one of us loves them & that doesn't happen too often! Bethany's favorite job is using a plastic baggy to squeeze the filling into the eggs. Again, incredibly satisfying.
Here's a great basic recipe in case you don't already have one.
Bethany decided that just because we'd be staying home for Easter didn't mean she shouldn't still dress up like she usually would. A shower + some makeup needs documented for proof around here! ;)
Two of the books I've recently read. A murder mystery is about the furthest thing from a Nicholas Sparks novel, but I thoroughly enjoyed both! I'll be sharing my recap of Two Days Gone early next month, but you can read Bethany's recap of At First Sighthere.

Dad's choice for game night: Mexican train dominoes!
My favorite part of the whole week was getting to zoom with my old college roommates! We reminisced on the past & giddily talked about the future. Getting to laugh with them & be "all together" was exactly what my weary heart needed.
I'm honestly kinda bummed that I never got to be quarantined with them. ;)
friday favs...
Recently I got hooked on these liquid I.V. hydration multiplier drink packets & have gotten my family hooked on them as well since I've been home! These packets have tons of health benefits including multiplying your hydration & giving you electrolytes & vitamins. Y’all this stuff is legit. Maybe it’s just in my mind, but I honest to goodness feel SO good after drinking this! You’re supposed to put these packets in 16 oz. of water, but the flavoring is a little too strong for me so I put the packet into 32 oz. of water in my favorite water jug. The flavoring of this packet is lemon lime & it’s delish — you can taste both the sour flavor & a little bit of salty from the lime. They offer a passion fruit flavor & an acai berry flavor for the hydration multiplier packets as well. I honestly feel so good after drinking one of these that I’ve been drinking one packet a day for about two weeks now. One day I skipped it & I had a headache! The packets are really easy for on-the-go as you can throw a couple in your bag & pour them into a water bottle whenever you’re ready.
This brand offers a couple other drink packets — one is an energy multiplier (flavor is lemon ginger) & one is for sleep (flavor is blueberry lavender). We tried both of them just for the heck of it this week & we all had mixed reviews. None of us liked the flavors which was a surprise since we all love the hydration multiplier one in lemon lime. I could definitely tell that I had a huge boost of energy & that overall I slept better (didn't wake up as much), but had a very hard time getting out of bed in the morning. Bethany had some weird dreams, my Mom felt like she slept horribly, & Avery loved them. I'm definitely going to keep trying them to see if I can really tell a difference or really see an improvement before I decide if I'm going to restock or not. Have you tried either of these?

I'm one of those people who can never have too many cups. I have a specific jug for water, one for diet soda, one for sweet tea, one for hot tea ... you get my point. I saw this cute little white + grey leopard ceramic travel cup at Walmart for less than $5 & immediately put it in my cart. CUTE CUTE!
Last week I saw another blogger share about her go-to forever favorite bra & coincidentally it was on sale for BOGO 50% off! My Mom & I each got one bra & wish we would've gotten more! The material is incredibly soft & kind of like a spanks material & honestly makes you feel like you're not wearing a bra at all. It has removable cups that are very flattering & give a great perky illusion. It comes in lots of different color options so you can choose which one best fits your style. It's still BOGO 50% off & super quick shipping if you're signed in through shoprunner!

Bethany ordered this soft light denim jumper from Old Navy & it is so perfect for summer! She's wore it for Easter Sunday (in two of the pictures above) & it was darling! So effortless & comfy. It looks great with a cardigan too so she'll be able to wear it into the fall as well! It's $20 with 15% taken off at checkout!

A couple of months ago my Mom finally pulled the plug & bought a billie razor. Here’s what she has to say about it:
Okay, I had been hearing all the buzz about this razor so I thought I would give it a try! I was intrigued by all the positive reviews, plus I love that it just ships refills to you automatically — so convenient & I don’t have to worry about it. I ordered a cornflower blue one as well as a travel case. My first shipment came with the handle & blade, the magnetic shower holder (the actual razor has a magnet in it so it hangs on the holder nicely), two replacement blades & the travel case all for $15.28!!! The first time using it I was blown away. The razor head seems to have a lot of give so it moves easily & wow, it gives a very nice close shave! I had mine for less than a week before I ordered a couple extra handles for Bethany & Avery to have because I knew they’d love it too! All you have to do is take a little quiz about how often you shave & it helps determine how often you should receive blade shipments — so easy & you can cancel at any time.
Since being home, I tried it out & O M G. This razor is no joke! I can honestly say that this razor leaves me with the cleanest shave & softest legs ever! I may have to name my first child after this razor it's that good. ;)
How are you doing? Are you hanging in there? Struggling or thriving? We would love to hear from you!
PS – this post contained affiliate links… thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!