June Walking Challenge

Some of you have maybe already seen this in my Instagram stories, but I’m challenging myself + all of you to get 10,000 steps everyday in the month of June! I typically try my best to get that goal daily & it’s so much easier when I’m at school & running around all the time, but now that I’m on summer break, I have to be more intentional. The 5K I did with my sister really put it all into perspective! So, I’ve got my walking buddy! Who’s with us?!

Winner will be chosen July 1st & will receive a $150 Hoka giftcard!!! Check out my Instagram post to see how to enter!

***DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a health coach & I am also not looking to become one. Just wanting to do a little giveaway to have fun + motivate myself this summer!


Life Lately


Feel Good Friday