monday morning mindfulness: my opinion about me matters most

I am so thankful for this online community & I want to be a little more intentional about chatting about things, encouraging one another, & reminding each other that many of us are probably feeling similar things, or have at different times. These monday morning mindfulness posts are going to be little glimpses into my heart & life: the good, the bad & the ugly. So much can be learned from different experiences, especially when you are practicing mindfulness.

With all of that being said, today’s topic is: my opinion about me matters most.

I recently had a follower send me an email saying that she loves the blog, but that I should size down in my tops.

I’m certain that this follower had absolutely no ill intentions with this email & that it was probably meant to be received as a compliment, however, it rubbed me the wrong way. I’ve done enough work on myself (shout out to my therapist) that I already know why I was bothered by this comment: I’m 27 & I’m still in the process of learning how to love + be comfortable in my body. & hearing a negative comment related to my body sends me back to that place of insecurity that I’ve been working so hard to leave!

Some people may read this & think:

Oh Alli, you’re so sensitive! The follower obviously didn’t mean for the comment to hurt your feelings! She didn’t even really say anything negative about your body!

& to an extent, I agree with you! I absolutely am sensitive about this topic! I often chat with my mom about how ironic it is that I share clothing, etc. as a side gig considering the fact that fifteen years ago, I was that teenage girl sobbing in the dressing room because I didn’t like how anything looked on my body. Hence my reaction to reading a comment about how I should be dressing myself differently (simply for the sake of someone else’s opinion).

I’m not defined by my size, nor am I defined by what others think of said size. What others think of me, especially how I look, is so miniscule compared to what I think of me!


monday morning mindfulness: the power of “at least”


monday morning mindfulness: the blessing of snow days