Life Lately
what I've been up to...
I recently purged my closets & posted about it on Instagram. I had a bunch of people asking if I’d be selling those clothes, so I created a private facebook group to share them! If you’d like to be added to the group, please send your name & email & I’ll get the link sent to ya! You can either comment below if you feel comfortable, or send me an email at
On the bookshelf lately!
The last week of school is absolutely crazy so I’m going to be running around a lot! IYKYK! Thank goodness for my fav perfume that will keep me smelling good all day long! Use code ALLI20 for a discount ONLY on perfumes!
Nails for the cruise: check! Now who’s gonna come pack for me? lol
Writing notes in keepsakes like these books for the 8th graders that are moving onto high school is so bittersweet!
Who is going to let Piper know she can’t come with me?
Dropping her off!
Sweet P is exhausted from her vacation, too!
These are the motion sickness bands I wore in addition to the motion sickness ear patches I got from my dr!
The first shower back at my house felt SO GOOD! These are all of the products I use.
Evening summer storms are my favorite.
Piper has officially been cleared!!! SO thankful for all of the prayers + kind words during her recovery. Just a few more weeks in the boot for me (hopefully ) & we can start going on summer walks! Two happy girls!
It’s hard work getting to run around as much as she wants now! ;)
Piper & I got my office all cleaned out & now it’s officially summer!
& that meant we had to take another nap lol!
outfits of the week...
For the past few months or so I’ve started *trying* to consistently share my OOTD (outfit of the day) just for fun! I’m typically able to link most pieces, but I also just share it to hopefully give a bit of inspiration & show you that you can recreate my outfits by just using pieces from your own closet.
Sunday, May 12…
Monday, May 13...
Dress up day theme is fav holiday so I improvised & went with first K-State football game of the season because it’s basically a holiday for me lol
Tuesday May 14...
Dress up day theme is country vs country club!
Wednesday, May 15...
Dress up day theme is tourist so you know I had to pull out my state crew!
Thursday, May 16...
Dress up day theme is funky footwear & I feel like my boot covers that lol!
Friday, May 17…
This is the day we left for our cruise! We went through SO many different outfits because of all of the different activities & events we went to. Most days we had an excursion outfit & a dinner outfit, but somedays there were multiple. I’m going to share them all below under each day!
Saturday, May 18
Sunday, May 19
Monday, May 20
Tuesday, May 21
Wednesday, May 22
Thursday, May 23
Friday, May 24
Friday, May 31
in case you missed it...
I read four books in the month of April. Check out my review post by clicking here!
Y’all know I LOVE me some fun + bright colors, but you can never go wrong with basic neutrals. Click here to see my April prime finds post!
As you may have seen, I started a new weekly post where I share my Weekly Sale Finds! I’ve been sharing them daily on my Instagram stories & I figured I could compile all of them from the week into one post so that y’all can see them, too! You can click here to read my post from May 15th & here to read my post from this week, May 29th.
If you follow me on Instagram or LTK, then you’ve probably noticed that I have really stepped up my game when it comes to collages of sales, outfit inspos & new items. Well, that is all thanks to my younger sisters, Bethany & Avery. They’re “poor college students” & my mom & I were looking for some extra help on the blog, so it just made sense to bring them on board! We’ll be compiling all of the collages into one post each week so that they’re all in one place & to give those who don’t use social media a place to find them! You can click here to read their post from May 16th & here to read my post from this week, May 30th.
Follow me on Instagram for more outfit inspiration including try ons in my stories!
Don’t forget to go to the home page & sign up for emails so you never miss a post!!
PS – this post contained affiliate links… thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!