Life Lately
what I've been up to...
“How do four day weeks feel SO LONG???” - Piper & Miss Rice
Happy birthday on Tuesday to our dad! Us Rice kiddos sure are lucky to call you ours! We love you!!
On the bookshelf this week!
Super simple neutral monochrome dots DIY shellac mani to celebrate the start of the ‘ber months!
Early morning walks are our favorite way to start the day!
When your LiquidIV matches your new brumate cup!
You can get 20% off + free shipping on any LiquidIV order using code SIMPLYSMALLTOWNBLOG
Filling our cups with the Word & Daily Grace Co. studies.
“We meet you where you are and invite you to go deeper in Scripture and experience Jesus.” - Daily Grace Co.
Daily Grace Co just launched their fall collection & I am loving the new colors & prints. As the seasons change, it is so important to remember that He is unchanging. If you are looking to grow deeper in your faith, I highly recommend checking them out. Their bible studies are so good & I am always amazed at how well they explain the Bible & help me put what I’m learning into practice. They have so many resources, bible study tools & gift ideas as well.
Fall school picture day on the same day as the first middle school games (& home games at that!!) sure wore Piper out lol. She loved getting to see all of the students all dressed up!
Set up for Thursday evening.
You can see by Piper’s smile how much she loves watching these girls play volleyball! She thought she needed to be sitting down on the bench.
She got to love on a bunch of them & tell them “good game”! She was very happy to sit on the manager’s lap when she wasn’t filling water bottles or helping out the team. I only got a pic of a few for the yearbook because I was busy with the score table.
& this is how she spent the rest of her time lol.
outfits of the week...
For the past few months or so I’ve started *trying* to consistently share my OOTD (outfit of the day) just for fun! I’m typically able to link most pieces, but I also just share it to hopefully give a bit of inspiration & show you that you can recreate my outfits by just using pieces from your own closet.
what Bethany is learning...
My sister, Bethany, is currently doing the It is Well - Anxiety Bible Study with a group of friends. She is really learning a lot & is going to share a few things each week that really stood out to her!
This week was our week one and because of the holiday weekend we were unable to meet as a big group, but there was still so much to be taken away from the start of the study!
1. Anxiety convinces us that the future unknowns are worth worrying about in the present. This was such a good reminder to me that it is my anxiety doing that rather than myself doing it to me.
2. The hope of this study is not to avoid situations that produce anxiety, but instead to see the goodness of God in the midst of them. I really appreciated this because it does not mean that after this study I will never experience an anxiety filled moment again, but rather I will know how to look for God's goodness, because He is always giving it to us.
3. One of the questions in the study that really stood out to me was "if we can trust God with our eternity, can we not trust Him with our temporary?” This was a little revelation for me because I am someone who does struggle with anxiety and it is so easy for me to say that I put my hope in Jesus for my eternity, but am I really doing that in the moment that it is happening?
in case you missed it...
Click here to see the top ten post of things y’all loved the most from August. You can tell we are no longer just shopping for casual summer clothes! As always, thank you so much for all the ways you support this blog. I am thankful!
As you may have seen, I started a new weekly post where I share my Weekly Sale Finds! I’ve been sharing them daily on my Instagram stories & I figured I could compile all of them from the week into one post so that y’all can see them, too! You can click here to read that post.
If you follow me on Instagram or LTK, then you’ve probably noticed that I have really stepped up my game when it comes to collages of sales, outfit inspos & new items. Well, that is all thanks to my younger sisters, Bethany & Avery. They’re “poor college students” & my mom & I were looking for some extra help on the blog, so it just made sense to bring them on board! We’ll be compiling all of the collages into one post each week so that they’re all in one place & to give those who don’t use social media a place to find them! Check out their post by clicking here!
Next up is my Friday fashion favs post!! Click here to read that one. It’s a goodie if I do say so myself. ;)
I recently purged my closets & posted about it on Instagram. I had a bunch of people asking if I’d be selling those clothes, so I created a private facebook group to share them! If you’d like to be added to the group, please send your name & email & I’ll get the link sent to ya! You can either comment below if you feel comfortable, or send me an email at
Follow me on Instagram (@simplysmalltowncounselor) or on LTK (simplysmalltowncounselor) for more outfit inspiration!
Don’t forget to go to the home page & sign up for emails so you never miss a post!!
PS – this post contained affiliate links… thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!