Feel Good Friday
I honestly don't have much to share about my week because it was fairly uneventful & just pretty chill. I'm trying to really crack down on my grad school homework during the week so that during the weekends I can spend most of my free time relaxing & recharging. I'm for sure an introvert, so I require some downtime, otherwise I'm just not my best self. Anyone feel me?
I've got a lot of good stuff to share today including some great Valentine's Day shirt ideas & of course, my Bachelor recap. Get excited, people!
friday favs...
With Valentine's Day coming up, I thought I'd share some of my favorite clothing & home decor items in case you need a little bit more festivity in your life!
First up is this knitted heart sweater from Amazon! It comes in seven other styles / colors & is less than $30!
(Pardon the wrinkles, life is busy & I'm just not very put together right now -- judge me)!
I got this heart-stitched sweater specifically for Valentine's Day because working in a middle school gives you a great excuse to dress up for each holiday!
It's a pretty casual sweater & can definitely be worn on a day-to-day basis & not just for Valentine's Day.
To keep it casual, I paired it with my favorite Madewell jeans & Steve Madden grey slip on shoes. Although you could definitely dress it up as well!
I wanted something pink in the picture so I grabbed my go-to insulated pink wine glass haha maybe this wasn't my best choice considering it was the middle of the day & it looks like I'm drinking wine. Oh well! The insulated pink wine glass is less than $10 & Amazon prime!
Next up is this heart top that I got from Jane recently! I think it is so cute & perfect for Valentine's Day in a school! The other thing that's nice about it is that you can wear it regularly & not just for Valentine's Day.
It's less than $25 directly from the seller, but I got it for less than $15 from Jane. It's currently not available on Jane, but you can sign up to get notified when it's back on!
Click here to be taken to their website. 10% off will be applied at checkout (valid through 2/7)!
The top row of hearts is a bright hot pink, the second row is leopard, & the bottom row is a dark grey. Both the top & the bottom row have a distressed look to them which I think is really cute! The t-shirt is kind of a heather-white color.
Below I'm going to share four different ways to wear this darling tee based on your style & the clothes you already have in your closet!
In every picture I'm wearing my go-to black Old Navy hair scarf, NYX lip color, & leopard apple watch band.
Also, you can get 10% off a loopy phone case by using our code, smalltown10!
Style #1
Is there such a thing as too much leopard? Based on this picture, clearly I don't think so lol -- leopard loopy phone case, leopard apple watch band, leopard heart t-shirt, leopard cardigan (my exact one is from Kohl's but it's out of stock. Here's a similar one from Amazon). Wowza. Maybe it's a little overboard?
This outfit is pretty flirty + fun. I love any outfit that I get to wear my Steve Madden tan suede mules (linking a similar pair at a better price point here!) & since it also includes leopard, I'm in, of course.
My jeans are old from American Eagle, but I'm linking a very similar pair here!
Style #2
This outfit is a little bit more toned down compared to the first one lol.
I've got on my Steve Madden leopard mules (linking a similar pair at a better price point here!) that tie in very nicely to the t-shirt. I'm also wearing my favorite Old Navy cardigan in black (it's currently out of stock in black, but they restock all the time so if you're interested, keep checking!). My mom, sisters & I have this cardigan in a combined four or five colors -- that's how much we love it!
Again, my jeans are old from American Eagle, but I'm linking a very similar pair here!
Style #3
My black American Eagle jeans, a t-shirt & my denim jacket (also from American Eagle) is a pretty regular go-to outfit for me. I love how casual this outfit looks. It gives me a little bit of an 80's vibe. Maybe it's the white converse & the high ponytail?
Anyways, I love it & will definitely be wearing this outfit regularly!
Style #4
Last, but certainly not least, is my favorite of all four outfits. You can tell because I was clearly feeling very sassy while taking the picture lol.
I'm wearing my black American Eagle jeans, my favorite Old Navy cardigan in black (it's currently out of stock in black, but they restock all the time so if you're interested, keep checking!) & my lace-up black flats.
Lately I've been on a fashion kick & I'm kind of obsessed with wearing black. I think it makes outfits look really chic & put together. I love how the heart t-shirt pops & really grabs your attention in this style!
Which outfit is your favorite? Leave your answer in the comments below!

Lastly, I wanted to share these darlingred + white polkadot bowls that I got from Amazon for less than $20! Originally I bought them to decorate my apartment for Christmas & when I started taking down those decorations, I realized that I could leave these bowls out for Valentine's Day! They come in a pack of six so I just spread them around my apartment -- one is on my dining table (left), one is on my TV stand in the living room (middle), & one is on my bar near the sink (right). These bowls are really good quality. They're not very big, but I wasn't really looking for huge bowls so this is perfect for me. I put a few Hershey's Kisses in the bowl on my bar (right) just for a little sweet treat for Valentine's Day. :)
Do you see a consistent theme in my house? Greenery. Give me all the plants.
In case you missed them, check out the following links to see our posts from this week...
Heart Attack: My mom has always been really into simple crafty things around the house that also have a purpose. In November she has us write one thing we’re thankful for each day on a leaf-shaped cut out. You can read that post here. In February, she & my dad write one thing they love about each kid on a heart-shaped cut out & tape it to their bedroom door each morning. While I don’t live at home anymore, I know that my sisters really look forward to this each day in February.
What's Up Wednesday: This post is the start of a new monthly series in which we'll be sharing a hodgepodge of things ranging from what we've been eating lately to what we've been reminiscing about. Just a fun idea to get to know us better!
Four Eyes -- Zenni Optical vs. Eye Buy Direct: I’ve been wearing glasses/contacts since third grade. During high school, I developed an infection which caused blisters on my eyelids which made wearing contacts incredibly painful (TMI?). I started wearing glasses regularly & incorporated different ones into my outfits. Glasses aren’t cheap so I found a couple different websites & went from there. In this post I shared my review on Zenni Optical & EyeBuy Direct & shared a couple of my favorite pairs of glasses.
bachelor recap...
Alright, I'm going to be completely honest here: I wasn't really looking forward to watching this week's episode that much. Weird, I know. I think it's because there's just so much drama on this season? It's pretty different from other seasons in that way. I mean there's always been some drama, but I feel like there's way more on this season. & don't get me wrong, I love a little bit of good drama & it wouldn't be The Bachelor without it, but this season is just too much. It's gone on too long & I honestly feel like the show is focusing more on the girl fights than on Peter's relationship with the women. I'm just kind of over it & I'd just like to watch Peter find his person. Regardless, let's dive in.
First of all, Cleveland, Ohio? Seriously?? I'd be miffed if I went on the show & people before me had gone to places like Thailand or Switzerland & I got to go to Ohio. Just sayin'.
I very much related to Victoria F.'s temper tantrum in the SUV. There have been certain times of my 'adult' life where I've wanted to do exactly that. My moments were more about like student loans or lack of sleep or having to pack my lunch every single day (can I get an amen!?) or other 'young adult' things & not about skydiving, but you get the point.
I'm still trying to figure Victoria F. out -- I'm just not quite sure what I think of her. She seems to be a little bit shy (at least around Peter), but I think she's also got a feisty / sassy side.
I watched a funny video where Chase Rice shares his two cents on the whole thing so if you're interested in that, you can find the link here!
Side note: this High School Musical 2 meme makes me want to binge watch all three movies. Weekend plans: check!
Here are some of my thoughts while watching their one-on-one:
Peter's eyes literally sparkle & he truly lights up when he talks about flying / when he flies. It's adorable.
Aren't these the kinds of rides that people pass out on? That would for sure happen to me if I was on the show trying to impress a boy & America.
I'd be ticked if it was raining on me the whole time. Peter's shirt was actually soaked! Victoria F.'s hair got cute & curly in her high pony -- I, on the other hand, would look like a wet rat.
This concert is making me feel all kinds of uncomfortable. Like SOOO! Chase Rice (no relation to me even though we look very similar & are both clearly talented (hint: sarcasm)) is singing to Victoria F. & Peter & Victoria F. is looking right back! Victoria F. made a comment during her interview that Chase was making faces at her but I thought she was right back. Let's call it both ways, girlfriend!
The fact that it's taking her so long to tell Peter about her history with Chase was super annoying. It makes me feel like she's immature. I can totally understand why she feels awkward about it because it is weird when your past relationships overlap with your current ones. But still. Spit it out, sister! Maybe I'm the weird one here, but I don't think it's even that big of a deal?
Overall, Peter & Victoria F.'s relationship feels a little bit strange to me so I won't be bummed if Peter doesn't end up with her.
I think this football group date might honestly be my worst nightmare. Wait, I take that back. I truly can't decide if I would rather participate in this football group date or the pillow fighting group date from last week. So good thing I don't have to do either!
Side note: I am Mykenna. Cue a quote from her interview: "I am the least athletic person in the entire house!" I feel you girl. When I was in middle school & all of my friends wanted to play four square during recess, guess what I did? I was the referee for their games. That's right, I was that girl. Mykenna also seems to be a tad emotional so there's another quality we have in common.
What did y'all think about Victoria P. not participating? I thought it was #annoying especially because she chalked it up to her back hurting. Is her back still hurting from the last group date that she was on where she had to ride the spinny thing & she talked about her PTSD from the teacup ride when she was a kid? You ain't foolin' me Victoria P.
Alright, if you're a fan of Alayah, skip over these next two sections lol.
I'm annoyed that she's back. Quite frankly, I'm a little bit more than annoyed. At this point, it feels like it's all about saving face. If she wanted to say all of this to Peter, why didn't she pull him aside last week after he didn't give her a rose? That would've felt much more genuine to me.
Also, I actually think it's a good thing that Peter sat both Alayah & Victoria P. down together to try to figure out what the real truth is. There's no point in going back & forth. Let's just get the answers & be done with the whole thing. Can we move on?
I absolutely cracked up when the girls were discussing whether they believed Victoria P. or Alayah & which one was a liar. Savannah (who I have never seen before) said, "oh you think Victoria P. doesn't lie?" & every head in the room whipped to her direction & then she proceeded to sip her adult beverage. That scene was like the real live version of the kermit the frog sipping his tea meme! It was too good.
In the end, I don't really know who I believe. But one thing I do know for certain is that I don't want Alayah to be on the show. I just don't get a good vibe from her & anyone who gets this much attention from drama is not the girl for me.
Tammy is right. Drama has risen from the dead & it's all thanks to Alayah.
Frankly, I agree with all of the girls that are frustrated by the fact that she's back & taking their precious group date time talking to Peter about something that they already thought was over.
& THEN! Peter has the audacity to give her the group date rose & invite her back into the house!!! I am truly speechless. & that does not happen often, people!
I don't want this discussion on Alayah to be about girls dragging other girls down, but we all have to admit that this is a pretty stinky situation for the girls who are actually there for Peter's heart. Let's move on, shall we?
Before watching Kelsey's one-on-one with Peter, I just wasn't a huge fan of her. It's not necessarily because of the whole champagne thing. I just can't seem to get on board with her. But then she goes & has the best response out of everyone to the whole Peter-bringing-back-Alayah scandal. I LOVED her response. She basically told Peter that she was fine with it because if she were to be at the end of it, then she'd want Peter to know for sure that it was her & have no doubts. Girl. You right. Her response was actually like a little kick in the butt to me & I can't believe I'm about to say this, but ... is champagne girl more mature than me?!
What I realized from Kelsey's one-on-one is that she's a lot deeper than I had originally thought. I've got a whole new level of respect for this girl. Maybe I am on board?!
We also need to acknowledge that Peter shed some real big boy man tears with this girl!! Y'all. Even though he's wearing a turtleneck (which I'm pretty sure I shared on my last Feel Good Friday post?!), my heart felt all mushy.
Cocktail party time!
These girls are capital A angry at Peter about this whole Alayah-coming-back-into-the-house thing & I get it. I would be mad too! Heck, I'm mad on their behalf & I'm not even there.
Side note: both Alayah & her boobs are attending the cocktail party tonight. Somebody had to say it, okay?
I know that there's going to be a "villain" on every season, & unfortunately for Alayah, it seems to be her. I genuinely feel bad for Peter because I can tell that his heart is very torn & confused. He's trying his best to follow his heart, but in the process, he's stepping on a lot of toes.
This whole situation reminds me of last season with Alabama Hannah & Luke P.. Hannah was drawn to Luke even though nobody could understand why & all of the house + all of America was screaming WHY! The same thing is happening here with Peter & Alayah.
It wouldn't be The Bachelor if they didn't leave us hangin' so we'll have to wait for next week to see the rose ceremony. But seriously, yikes. I don't even know how this whole thing is going to end?
So what do y’all think?!
Did the Chase Rice concert scene weird you out or did you think that it wasn't that big of a deal? Also, where do you stand with the whole Alayah situation?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!!
to look forward to...
Do you regularly get your nails professionally done? I never got into the habit of doing this, but I was painting my nails all the time with regular polish because I liked having them done. In college, I got a shellac machine & it's been one of the best things that's ever happened to me lol. On Tuesday I'll be sharing more about it & why I love mine!
I'm already looking forward to spring & so I've been thinking about what clothes I have that will be good transition pieces. I found a few great staple items that'll help you transition into spring & look darn cute while doing it. Stay tuned!
Calling all book readers! Thursday my mom & I will be sharing our February book review -- get excited!
weekend plans...
First of all, I can't believe tomorrow is February first! The month of January felt like the longest month ever. But February means that spring is coming soon & I could really use some time outside in the warm sun. Just the thought of it makes me smile.
What are your plans for the weekend? Drop them below in the comments, or feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram! We'd love to hear what you're all up to. We hope you all have a wonderful & cozy weekend!
PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!