What's up Wednesday
what i'm eating this week...

I'm a big fan of Trader Joe's chicken chilaquiles rojo which looks a lot like chicken fajitas with some extra stuff like beans & tortilla chips. It's interesting because I typically don't like fajitas! I just love this meal though. I add avocado & it's just darn good. I can get at least two meals out of this bag & I'm always very full afterwards. It's super easy to make & is super delicious, too.
Check out our most recent Trader Joe's review here.
what i'm reminiscing about...

Do you ever get those moments where you see something or smell something & you're just transported back in time to a memory? That happened to me last week. There's a student at my middle school that reminds me so much of my younger brother it's not even funny. His mannerisms & sense of humor & even physical characteristics. It's almost weird.
Anyways, I had an interaction with this student during lunch & I had a serious flashback to when I was much younger & Ethan & I were attached at the hip. We grew very distant during high school & to be quite honest, we just really didn't get along that well. In the past couple of years, our relationship has started to change again & we now get along very well. I was deeply reminiscing on when we were younger & life was oh so simple. How I wish I could spend just one day in the years gone by.
Enjoy this picture from two years ago when Ethan became an official member of FarmHouse Fraternity at K-State!
what i'm loving...
To say that I'm obsessed with this under eye concealer would be an understatement. This stuff is the real deal. I've shared it before, & I'll share it again!
I've been struggling with dark + baggy under eyes for the last year or so & this is the first concealer that really makes a difference. It's full coverage & lasts all day long. It's a bit pricey, but for me it's totally worth it.
& I need this stuff now more than ever because grad classes just started & I've got a long ways to go before spring break lol.
what i'm watching / reading...
Any bachelor/bachelorette fans out there?! Ya girl Alli Rice is! I’m a hopeless romantic so I get such a kick out of watching people attempt to win someone over & fall in love on TV. Plus, the drama can be pretty entertaining too! 😉
I’ve been watching the bachelor since Sean Lowe’s season & even pushed through Ben Higgins’ season when I lived in an all girls dorm my freshman year of college. There’d be 100+ girls all swooning in the basement around the only TV with cable. Ahh the good ol’ days.
In case you need a little catching up, the bachelor for this season is Peter Weber. You can tell he’s a cutie just by his name! Peter was on Hannah Brown’s season & was sent home just before the final two met Hannah’s parents. Poor Peter was heartbroken. I mean cry-all-the-way-home heartbroken. It was sad to watch him be sad. Hannah ended up choosing Jed Wyatt who turned out to be kind of a prick & confessed to the rumors that he had a longterm girlfriend when he came on the show & that he was just using the whole thing as a publicity stunt for his music (up to this point his greatest success was a few commercial jingles... a real winner). Hannah broke things off with Jed & in turn joined Dancing with the Stars which she ended up winning. There’s nothing that says ‘I’m hot & you’re not’ like winning the Mirror Ball Trophy & shakin’ your booty on TV every week. Take that, Jed. So then Peter was announced as the bachelor & I think the entire United States let out a big awwhhhh all together. Peter’s season premiered on January 6th & it was too funny. The girls were drunk, super emotional & just smitten kitten for Peter the pilot. Peter was genuinely so sweet & you can tell he’s just so ready to find his person.
what i'm listening to...
My favorite song lately is What A Man Gotta Do by the Jonas Brothers. I've been a Jonas Brothers fan since middle school. Like my walls were covered with their posters kind of fan.
My inner middle school girl let out a squeal when they came back together a couple of years ago.
This song is just a really fun feel-good song & I like jamming to it on my errands or while I'm making dinner / cleaning my house.
what i'm working on...

My spring semester of grad classes officially started last Tuesday. I'm taking twelve credit hours which doesn't sound like a lot, but since nine credit hours is full time for grad school, it feels like a lot. Especially since I'm working full time as well.
I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for such a good reason, so that I can be licensed & to learn how to best work with students.
So lately I've been doing a lot of reading through these textbooks & working on assignments. I'm not really a procrastinator & I really enjoy working ahead. That's part of why a blended program has worked so well for me.
So if you need me, this is where I'll be.
what i'm wearing...

Since we seem to be having a lot of winter weather lately, I've been wearing the heck out of these Aerie chenille turtlenecks. I absolutely love wearing turtlenecks because they keep me so warm & cozy while I'm at school which most of the time is very cold.
This one has two side slits so I like to wear a black + white striped t-shirt underneath just to add a little pop of pattern. This turtleneck is just really cozy & fun because of the knitted material. Overall a huge fan! I'm wearing my favorite Madewell jeans & Steve Madden leopard mules or Steve Madden grey slip on shoes, but I also have worn it with leggings. It appears to be sold out online so check in stores if you're interested!
Also no, I don't have a tail. Sophie (my cat) got a little camera shy in the picture on the left lol. We're still working on finding her best angles. ;)
what i'm dreading...
Now that the holiday season is over, that means I'm officially over the winter weather. This girl is ready for spring!
I took this picture of the view from my apartment balcony a couple of weeks ago. It is definitely dreamy, but it also makes me feel cold just by looking at it!
Are you ready for spring?
what i'm excited about...
In case you didn't see it, I announced some pretty big news last week:
I'm excited to share with all of you that I've accepted a position as the Middle School Counselor in Marion, KS for next school year! I feel so blessed by this opportunity to work in a smaller school & to be moving back closer to home. & I'm thrilled to continue working with middle schoolers (now that's something I never thought I'd say ;) )!
My prayer for my students is that through me, they will feel valued, heard, cared for, loved & important.
Next month I get to go to Marion for the day to tour the school, meet the staff & students, & see how things are done there. I'm super excited to see where I'll be spending a lot of time next year!
What about you? What's up with you on this Wednesday?
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