Feel Good Friday
Last weekend I was in Hays, KS (yes, again) for a grad class (Counseling Skills Development, this time). I was in class from 10am-5pm on Friday & Saturday. I had the exact same schedule the previous weekend for my Group Counseling: Theories & Procedures class. While the whole process is very exhausting, it actually really filled my cup as well. There were only nine other students in my class & because we spent so much time together, we really got to know each other. As an online student, it's easy to feel like you have to figure things out on your own. This experience helped me get to know my classmates & my professor so much better, & I grew a lot as a counselor-in-training, but also as a person! I'm better for knowing these people. Go FHSU! Go Counseling!
My school didn't have school on Monday due to Presidents Day (#blessed) so the extended weekend was nice. But I was quickly back to the grind of being in grad school full time & working full time & still trying to be the best sister / daughter / friend to all the people around me.
friday favs...
Bethany is still just as obsessed with her essential oil diffuser as she was when she first got it! This is what she has to say about it:
"Every night I have a routine when I go to bed. I put "peace & calming" from Young Living in my diffuser. It smells so good & is so relaxing. I love this diffuser because it has different colored lights so it works well as a nightlight too. It has two different settings for diffusing so I can choose how I want it to come out. It's truly the best!"
Ever wish you had something easy & small to carry around when you're not wanting to lug around your purse? Well have I got the thing for you! My mom got me this darling color block wristlet for my birthday back in October & it's perfect for that exact thing! It fits my cellphone, my drivers license, debit card, some cash, chapstick / lipstick, my keys & sunglasses. Mine is size small & it comes in two bigger sizes as well, but the small size has been serving me well.
Succulent is from Trader Joe's.
I love me a good henley! I found this one from Aerie & snagged it in white & black while it was on sale (it's still 25% off so it's $29.96 I believe). It's pretty thin so it's going to work great transitioning into spring! I'm all about my comfies so here I'm wearing it with some black joggers & birkenstocks. It comes in blue & light grey as well.
Next week on Thursday I'll be sharing more ways to wear it + some other cute finds!
You can get 10% off a loopy phone case of your own by using code smalltown10!

Last weekend these darling car air fresheners came in the mail & you could say I'm a bit obsessed! The company that makes them is called Funky Freshies (how cute!) & they're seriously awesome. The peace sign is glittery black / very dark purple in the scent 'put a spell on you'. The sunglasses are glittery black in the scent 'butt naked'. You guys. They smell SO. GOOD. I put the peace sign in my car & am saving the sunglasses for warmer weather! How fun to have your car smell like a dream & look super cute too! After seeing how much I love mine, I'm thinking these will be a super fun gift for birthday presents & probably even Christmas next year.
Linking Funky Freshies' Facebook & Instagram here in case you want to check them out! ;)
In case you missed them, check out the following links to see our posts from this week…
February Fashion Finds: Amazon Edition: Amazon came in clutch this month! On Tuesday I shared some great finds including a lot of pieces that will transition into spring well because they're light enough that you won't get hot, but cool enough that they'll keep you cozy on those crisp days.
Avery's Favorite Hair Products / Tools / Accessories: Wednesday was Avery's turn to share her favorite hair things for that series! Her hair is pretty similar to mine, but it's definitely got more curl & is a bit thinner. Check it out if you're needing some new products or tools!
Power Balls Recipe: My mom shared my family's favorite power ball recipe on Thursday! They are so god for on-the-go & are pretty easy to make!
bachelor recap...
I wasn't sure if I was ready to watch this episode to be honest. It feels so strange that they're already to hometown dates!
Hannah Ann hometown date...
Can someone tell me how it's raining & Hannah Ann isn't even wet nor is she holding an umbrella? Also, her outfit is strange. It's like she's trying to be country, but it's just not quite working.
If this season has taught me one thing, it's helped me compile a list of all the dates I never want to go on. Add axe throwing to the list. I think this is something I'd enjoy doing, just not with an entire town of people watching me!
Anyone else notice that her southern accent is way stronger in this episode?
Her sister chat was cute, though. Mine would probably be much more sobby & snotty lol am I right or am I right, Bethany & Avery?
While I was watching Peter talk to Hannah Ann's parents, I felt like he just a little baby boy. I'm not sure why? Maybe it's because he says he feels in love with some of the women, but how can he possibly be when all we've seen is girl drama!?
Also, I'm just gonna say it ... grown girls should not refer to their fathers as daddy. That ship sailed over ten years ago, Hannah Ann.
It's pretty common for the contestants to tell The Bachelor / The Bachelorette that they're falling in love / in love / some form of the word for the first time during hometown dates. I just have to wonder ... how much of that is genuine & not just based off of that night? Like obviously if the day & night portion went great then of course you'd be feeling all lovey dovey! Anyone else have thoughts on this?
Kelsey hometown date...
I really don't even have a lot of thoughts for this one. I just can't stop thinking about the fact that this is the girl that WENT OFF on another girl for "stealing" a bottle of champagne only then to have the replacement bottle of champagne explode in her face. & yet, here we are.
I noticed a huge difference in Peter from his hometown date with Hannah Ann to this hometown date with Kelsey. He just didn't seem near as perky. My guess after these two dates is that she'll be going home. But we've still got two girls to go & something interesting always goes down with Victoria F. so I guess we'll see.
Madison hometown date...
It's gotta be Madison at the end of all of this, right? I mean seriously. He lit. up. when he saw her. & I don't blame him -- she's cute & nice & *genuine & real* & a stinkin' B.A. I got legitimately teary when Bruce Pearl was talking about Madison's dad. If Peter doesn't marry her, then I might! Peter is really lacking in the basketball skills arena, so if these two get married, hopefully their kids will take after Madison. At least they look good together.
I actually really appreciate Madison guarding her heart & not telling Peter that she's falling in love with him just for the sake of saying it.
I love the love that this family has for each other! All the happy tears when they saw each other was so cute! I relate a lot to Madison & I really appreciate her sharing her heart with America. I do feel like she's holding back a little bit & I don't blame her. She deserves better. But you can't help who your heart loves. Am I right, ladies?
Victoria F. hometown date...
I have to admit, their old timey photos were actually pretty cute! I did not like that she let her dog lick straight from her ice cream cone. Yuck. I mean I love my cat quite a bit, but we're not on that level. Anyways, Victoria planned a pretty darn good date that was very bachelor-y. I saw Hunter Hayes in concert once so I clearly live a very similar life to these Bachelor people. & then ... the bomb drops -- Victoria's secret (hahaha) life breaking up couples & just not being a nice person. Have we learned any new information?

I appreciate Peter talking to Victoria about things before going in to meet her family. They've definitely got some shiz to figure out. I had to check myself & relax because I was frowning so hard at their interaction. Like I'm pretty sure I grew frown lines just from that. Victoria needs to go see someone & talk through some things because this whole situation just doesn't make sense. Y'ALL. I can not believe he didn't meet her family!! I mean obviously they were not in the right place to do that, but wow. I'm glad they got to talk later before the rose ceremony because I truly believe in closure & it wouldn't have been fair for either of them to not have that. I'm super curious to see how the rose ceremony goes! I totally thought it was going to be Kelsey, but after this Victoria tantrum, I think it could (should) be her.
Rose Ceremony thoughts...
*Hannah Ann, Kelsey & Madison are smitten kitten for Peter* *Victoria F. being incredibly rude & defensive* Peter: "I still don't know who I'm sending home" Oh boy. Here we go.
Kelsey held herself together surprisingly well considering she's cried about as many tears as the rest of the girls combined. All jokes aside, I do feel really sad for her. Not being chosen sucks. Heartbreak sucks. Madison was visibly upset & looked pretty stressed out. I'm sure it's because she has a really big part of her heart to finally share with him & he clearly does not have the same mindset as her. Poor girl.

So what do y’all think?! Did you expect him to send Kelsey home even after all that went down between him & Victoria? I sure didn't. I am stoked to see next week's episode based on the previews! Anyone else?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!!
to look forward to...
On Tuesday I'll be sharing another post in our Priming Lately series. These posts will feature ten different items that we’ve purchased from Amazon prime & our reviews! A lot of people are just now starting to explore more on Amazon & find out that they offer a huge variety of products & items. These posts will show the variety of things that we buy from there & if we’d recommend them or not!
Get excited for What's Up Wednesday next week! This post is a hodgepodge of stuff ranging from what I've been eating lately to something I'm looking forward to.
Thursday I'll sharing a bunch of different ways to style my new favorite henley top & some other cute things I've found lately!
weekend plans...
Tomorrow my school is hosting 7th grade boys league basketball. If you've been around her awhile, then you know how much I love my students & also enjoy watching basketball. I've snagged a pretty sweet gig where I get to work the book for the majority of the games. Since these will be the last games that our boys play this year, of course I'm signed up!
I've got some pretty big homework assignments so I'll most likely be playing catch up with those on Sunday.
What are your plans for the weekend? Drop them below in the comments, or feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram! We'd love to hear what you're all up to. We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!
PS – this post contained affiliate links… thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!