Feel Good Friday
This week was pretty chill for me which was pretty unusual. I've worked every girls' basketball home game at my middle school & their season ended on Saturday which means that my Tuesday & Thursday evenings are going to be a lot more open until the boys' basketball season starts because let's be real -- I know I'll end up working all of those home games as well. #lifeofafutureschoolcounselor #relationshipsmatter. & since it's finals week in this Manhattan college town, things were pretty dead. A lot of students started going home about mid-week & because of this, a lot of the "young adult" groups that I'm a part of didn't happen. It was kind of nice to have a super chill week, but I definitely missed seeing a lot of the people that I usually would see!

We got A BUNCH of snow on Sunday here in Manhattan & that resulted in a snow day on Monday! #blessed. I live on the edge of town & this is the view from my balcony & parking lot. It truly looked like a winter wonderland! It's so peaceful out here & I really enjoyed having some extra free time to sit on my couch with my book & see this view out my window. Again, #blessed.
friday favs...

Last weekend was Bethany & Avery's high school Winter Formal. This is kind of a big deal in Moundridge because it's the one dance that everyone dresses up & really goes all out for besides Prom (which typically only juniors & seniors attend). Don't the girls look darling?!
Bethany (left) is wearing a black lace off-the-shoulder dress that I wore my sophomore year of high school. Bethany has worn quite a few of my dresses (for Prom last year she wore my senior Prom dress). It's fun to see how she styles things differently & reminisce on memories & years gone by. Bethany's red heels are from Amazon. *insert red dress dancing lady emoji here*
Avery (right) is wearing a high neck navy dress that she bought this year. Avery has a much different body type than Bethany & I so my old dresses don't fit her very well. I love the subtle mesh detailing that emphasizes her tiny waist. Her nude heels from Amazon make this outfit look so classy.
Oh & I can't forget... their boys look great too. ;)
In case you missed them, check out the following links to see our posts from this week... College Final Exam Week Thoughts / Christmas Traditions / Homemade Christmas Tea & Hot Chocolate Recipes / Amazon Clothing Haul.
weekend plans...
I'm officially on Christmas break so after school today I'll be headed to my parents' house for about two weeks! I believe I'll make it home in time to watch Avery cheer for basketball tonight. Yay! I was a cheerleader all throughout high school so I love watching her experience one of the things that used to bring me so much joy.

Tomorrow we'll be celebrating Christmas with my mom's side of the family. This is always such a fun time & I'm thankful that we'll all be in one place together.
I'm really excited to celebrate Christmas with my family & get a little break from school life as well. The next couple of weeks will consist of a lot of family game nights, watching the 'Cats (hopefully win) in the Liberty Bowl, reading, cooking & relaxing. I'm getting giddy just writing about it!
What are your plans for the weekend? Drop them below in the comments, or feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram! We'd love to hear what you're all up to. We hope you all have a wonderful & cozy weekend!
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