Talk about it Tuesday... Christmas Traditions
The Rice Family LOVES the Christmas season! So today I thought I'd talk about some of our favorite Christmas traditions. It's kind of fun to come up with traditions as a family that you consistently do every year. We like to reminisce on years gone by & about what the previous years' traditions looked like. Usually there's something goofy brought up that fills the room with laughter & it makes my mama heart happy. As my children have grown, we've had to let some traditions go, but have tried to add some in as well. Here are some of the things we're currently doing!
Christmas Lights & Krispy Kreme
On one of the nights leading up to Christmas, we all pile into the car & head to Wichita to look at Christmas lights. Our first stop is always at Krispy Kreme for some fresh, hot, delicious donuts. We then hit the road to start looking at some lights. Wichita has a bunch of really great areas that put on quite the show. We've been doing this for years & by now we've pretty much seen all of the best ones! It's still a fun night spending time together as a family & catching up since the oldest two are no longer living at home.
Christmas Caroling Party
This is my most favorite Christmas tradition by far! Every year, our friends, the Kaufmans, host a Caroling Party. A large group of friends gather together & sing. We start at the nursing home & the go to the rehab center in our town, hitting houses of other loved ones along the way. It's always such a joyful noise & so moving to see how touched the recipients are. We end the night with chili, cinnamon rolls & snacks. This will be our 14th year to attend & I can't wait!!
Homemade Christmas Wreaths
These cornflake wreaths are a favorite on my side of the family. Bethany has mastered how to make them & it's a tradition to make & deliver them to some of our favorite neighbors & friends.
Gifts from Willie Wildcat

When Alli was a senior in high school & had decided she was going to be attending Kansas State University, I knew we were all going to need some new Wildcat gear, so I started a new tradition. I buy each person some K-State apparel, wrap it in K-State paper & write: "To: _______ From: Willie" (K-State's mascot). The paper doesn't go with my overall Christmas theme, but the kids get so excited to see what Willie has picked out for them! Since Ethan is attending K-State as well, it's worked out, but I have a feeling we might be getting some gifts from a different mascot in the years to come depending on what the girls decide. This has been such a fun tradition to add as our kids got older. Plus... EMAW!
Sibling Name Drawing
A tradition we started years ago, was letting the kids draw names & purchase a gift for each other. We ALMOST had to put an END to this tradition last year when Ethan drew Avery's name & got her something that had been on her Christmas list for years! Zoey, a gerbil. YUCK! Avery will tell you it was the best gift she's ever gotten! Honestly, it's so fun to see what they pick out for one another!
Christmas pjs on Christmas Eve
Every year since Ethan was born, I've gotten my kids matching pajamas to wear to bed on Christmas Eve. It's the only present they get to open on Christmas Eve & they all really look forward to it!
Candlelight Service
We always attend the Candlelight Service at 11:00 pm on Christmas Eve. There's something so holy & peaceful about singing Silent Night by candlelight & then walking out knowing it's now Christmas Day! So thankful for our Savior's birth!
Do you have some favorite traditions? We would love to hear about them! We are always looking for new things to try as the dynamics of our family change.