Feel Good Friday
Last Friday I came down with a really bad cold. I mean it was rough. It got progressively worse over the weekend. I was thankful that we had a snow day on Monday, but I had to call in sick from school on Tuesday because it was just pretty darn bad & I couldn't kick it. I tried the immune builder from Smoothie King & the medicine ball drink from Starbucks. Both were super delicious! I don't know if they really worked or not, but I am starting to feel a little better.

I stocked up on these Cold-Eeze cough drops because y'all, I swear by them. They genuinely help my symptoms & decrease the duration of my cold! I've also been drinking lots of hot tea with honey kept warm in my favorite yeti mug. This not only comes in handy while I'm constantly on the go at school, but also when I'm sick at home. I hope you've all stayed healthy this season & had a relaxing + cozy weekend at home.

friday favs...
One of my struggles in the wintertime is cold feet. If my feet are cold, then my whole body is cold regardless of how bundled up I am. My mom got my sisters & I a couple of pairs of warm fuzzy socks for Christmas & I've already gotten a ton of use out of mine! I like that they don't go up too high on my calf & all the different colors are really darling. Check these out if you're needing to add to your fuzzy sock collection this winter!
My mom got my dad some new gloves for Christmas this year. This is my dad's review on why they're awesome: "Here is why I really like these gloves. I love the way they fit. They're snug, but not too tight, & I can still move my hands & fingers freely. They aren't bulky or hanging off the end of my fingers like mittens. I also love that I can grip things well & they have the "feel" of thinner gloves, but still keep my hands nice & warm! Another plus is that they're very affordable." So if a man in your life has mentioned needing some new gloves, these could be a great option!
Finding comfortable & stylish shoes has proven to be a challenge for me this year having my first full time big girl job. I really liked the idea of mules instead of ballet flats just because it seems to fit my style more. I've found a few pairs of mules that I really like & I wear them all the time. They're a little bit pricey, but my mom found a pair from Amazon & they're just as cute & much more budget friendly. They can be worn with jeans, leggings, a dress or skirt, pretty much anything! These mules are offered in nine other colors.
In case you missed them, check out the following links to see our posts from this week...
Granola Bar Boy: On Tuesday I shared a little piece of my heart that has experienced quite a lot of growth & change from this past year at my job in a middle school. Check it out to read about one particular student that has humbled me & challenged me & helped me to discover my passion for understanding & accepting people just as they are.
Favorite Sweaters + Sweatshirts from Fall + Winter: This winter season has been a very strange one weather wise. We've had some days where the sun is shining & it's seventy degrees just to have the next day be followed up with freezing rain & snow. On Wednesday I shared my go-to sweaters & sweatshirts from this winter season. It covers all the bases from thin & breezy to warm & cozy, from comfy & casual, to workwear & ready for the day.
Korean Rice Bowls: We're definitely not food bloggers & we're not going to pretend to be lol but we do have some go-to foods that I think are worth sharing & these Korean Rice Bowls are one of them.
bachelor recap...
I was super excited to watch this weeks episode since last weeks was so gosh darn funny & intense! Is Alabama Hannah going to join the house? Are we going to hear about the windmill five hundred more times? Will there be girl drama? Here we go. Let's get the answers to my questions. Come on Pilot Pete.
As heartbreaking as Peter & Hannah's conversation was, I think it's best for both of them that she not join the house. I'm a big supporter of people finding their person & experiencing true happiness, but I don't think it was super fair of Hannah to swoop in right when Peter was starting his journey & tell him that she may have made the wrong decision. You're better than that Alabama Hannah. Be better.
When Peter called her out on 'missing the what ifs' instead of missing him... woof. I think all of America felt that. & why did she crawl into his lap for a hug towards the end of their conversation? Strange. I'm a big fan of closure so I really appreciated getting to watch their interaction & hopefully Peter feels like he got some closure too. Ladies, we've all been there at some point in our lives, right?
Also, did y'all notice that her strap was hanging out of her dress half of the time (the extra strap that some dresses have to help you hang it up easier)? I'm sorry to say, but she was just such a hot mess between her streaking mascara (that was clearly not waterproof) & her strap hanging out. She sure doesn't seem like someone who's trying to win over an old boyfriend. Or is she just that lost & heartbroken? Either way, I feel sorry for the poor girl & I'm just thankful that I've never been on TV snotty-sobbing in front of a boy.
So after Peter's heartbreaking conversation with Hannah, he decided to end the group date early but catch up with the girls later to continue the evening portion of the date.
The stank face that Natasha gave him when he walked in had me laughing out loud! That girl has no shame. She's direct & she tells it how it is. She knows exactly what she deserves & I appreciate that one hundred percent.
We all need a little bit more Natasha in our lives.
Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey... we gotta talk about this girl for a hot minute.
This girl came out of nowhere & jumped down Mykenna's throat for talking to the guy that they're all trying to get to know?! Slow your roll honey. I get that there's gonna be some jealous feelings, but reel it in girlfriend. During the scenes of Kelsey talking about how she brought a specific bottle of champagne just to open with Peter, I just knew something was gonna happen. & boy was I right! When Kelsey heard that champagne bottle pop, the look on her face had me nervous giggling! She is not okay so stop asking if she's okay, okay?! My eyes were pretty much bulging out of my head (like Peter's were) when she came out & went off on Hannah Ann. I mean I get that the bottle of champagne was important to her but woah!
She pulled herself together enough to have some one-on-one time with Peter & that's when things plummeted downhill.

"I'm not a classy b**** all the time." *champagne explodes all over face* Is it okay to admit that I watched this about six times over & over?
I don't know if I think that Hannah Ann was completely unaware of the situation or not but for some reason I just don't like that girl. I can't put my finger on why. Anyone else?
Even though I'm not the biggest Hannah Ann fan, I can understand why she brought up her interaction with Kelsey to Peter. I don't know that if I were on the show I'd bring it up to the guy I was trying to talk to, but I can see why it bothered her. I truly think it was just a HUGE misunderstanding that unfortunately seems like it'll be affecting the entire season & especially Kelsey's relationship with Peter. I think this poor girl needs to send herself home. She's too involved in the drama & seems a little too emotionally unstable that this whole thing just can't end well for her.

I think a lot of girls can probably relate to Victoria F. (right) feeling like she's not noticed. We live in a society where we're constantly competing with the girl next to us instead of cheering each other on!
The next thing we see is Victoria F. chugging a glass of champagne in an interview & then strutting her stuff on the runway in front of Peter & America in some black lingerie & a trench coat. Every girl's jaw hit the floor including mine. Talk about a come back.
I don't know why, but I was all for Victoria F. winning the wardrobe instead of Hannah Ann (left) & I honest to goodness gasped out loud when Hannah Ann flung her dress at Victoria F. while they were competing on the runway. I just feel like she's sly & sneaky. Regardless of my desires, Hannah Ann won the contest & the Revolve wardrobe. The Bachelor producers really should put me on their decision making team.
Also, I'm definitely not a fashion expert, but these dresses look like one of my sister's black dance leotards with a sequin tarp covering half. They clearly ran out of this sequin tarp material & had to split it in two so that it would be fair.
Some of my favorite quotes/scenes/takeaways...
"My curls are falling out because I'm just like so stressed out right now." As someone who works in a middle school, I've never related to a comment more in my entire life. I feel you, Tammy.
"Boys are temporary. Cashmere is forever."
Some of the girls seemed more excited about the possibility to win the entire Revolve closet than winning Peter's heart.
Is Peter's thing gonna be picking girls up & putting them on some type of counter top just to suck on their face a little more? Because if so, I'm not sure if I can get on board.
We didn't see much of Madison during this episode but I felt like this needed to be acknowledged:
Madison was by far my favorite girl after last week's episode. She just seemed very genuine & real & truly happy to be on a date with Peter (& the rest of his family!).
But since then, I've been hearing rumors. Rumors that Madison created a fan page... for herself... & that she comments on her own posts... complimenting herself!!! The rumor is that she forgot to switch from her personal account to her self-created fan page before commenting on the pictures she posted of her sweet date with Peter. Poor girl. The internet is much too quick & people were able to get screenshots of the evidence before Madison deleted the comment. I think that would be one of the worst parts about being in the media: having all of your flaws & silly slip ups displayed for the world to see.
I want to continue liking her, but guys this might just be too weird for me. I'm super disappointed in this honestly. I really liked her & now I think she might be a little weird? I mean it's a weird move. I'm all about positive self talk, but this is just too far for me.
So what do y'all think?!
Do you think Peter should've ended up with Alabama Hannah or was it right to continue with the show?
Did you also laugh out loud when the champagne bottle exploded on Kelsey's face? Is it mean if you did?
Are you #TeamMadisonFanPage or no?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!!
to look forward to...
On Tuesday we're starting a new series called Priming Lately. These posts will feature ten different items that we've purchased from Amazon prime & our reviews! A lot of people are just now starting to explore more on Amazon & find out that they offer a huge variety of products & items. These posts will show the variety of things that we buy from there & if we'd recommend them or not! I'm really excited about this new series since I've become a huge fan of Amazon prime recently.
On Wednesday we'll be starting another new series in which my sisters, mom & I have compiled a list of hair products, tools, & accessories that each of us use regularly. We all have very different types of hair including length, texture, & preferred style. These posts will be great resources if you're looking for some new products, tools, or ways to style & revamp your hair. We'll divide it up into four separate posts & mine is next week!
Calling all foodies!! On Thursday we'll be sharing a Trader Joe's review. The biggest town closest to our little small town recently got a Trader Joe's & my mom & I are hooked. It was pretty overwhelming at first but once we got comfortable with the environment, we ended up finding a lot of holy grail food items that we can't seem to get enough of.
weekend plans...
We're supposed to get another round of winter weather this weekend & after being down with a nasty cold, I'm kind of looking forward to a relaxing & cozy weekend. I don't have school on Monday due to Martin Luther King Jr. Day so a three day weekend for me! I'm a big sports girl so I'll definitely be watching some games. K-State plays West Virginia on Saturday & of course the last round of playoffs on Sunday. This is my last free weekend before my grad classes start up again so I'm hoping to really be present in the stillness & enjoy it because I know I'll be missing it in a couple of weeks.
Also, I'm having a sister weekend!!! My sisters are coming up for the weekend to hang out & I could not be more excited! I've created a weekend itinerary (yes I'm that girl) that consists of girl talk, facemasks, cookie bakes from Mr. K's, movies, walks, shopping & more. So excited to have my sisters in my happy place for the weekend!
What are your plans for the weekend? Drop them below in the comments, or feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram! We'd love to hear what you're all up to. We hope you all have a wonderful & cozy weekend!
PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!