Feel Good Friday
Last weekend my sisters came up to Manhattan to spend the weekend with me! Sophie (my cat) was almost as thrilled as I was, can't you tell? Lol. The girls arrived just before noon on Saturday. I was in desperate need of getting the oil changed in my car & because I don't really like to sit in Wal-Mart for 3+ hours, I thought this was the perfect opportunity. So we dropped my car off at Wal-Mart & took Bethany's car for the day. We had lunch at KFC (super random, I know, but it sounded good!) & Avery & I got those 'famous bowls' & let me tell you something. I did not consider myself a fan of KFC until this weekend. I'm one hundred percent certain that that KFC famous bowl was absolutely horrible for me but I'd do it again in a second. That thing was good & was also college-budget friendly -- score! While we were in KFC we saw the cutest elderly couple & the girls & I just sat there watching them long after we had finished our meal. It's the little things isn't it?
After our yummy lunch, the girls & I did a little bit of shopping in Aggieville (no, not for beers, mind you) at a store called Acme. Acme is the cutest little store that has all kinds of stuff -- knick knacks, t-shirts, stickers, coffee mugs, jewelry, hair clips & accessories, pens & pencils, pillows, flowers, etc. If you can think of it, it's probably in Acme.
Each one of us got something & are very pleased with it! We then went over to the mall & of course, Target. Because you can't go on a shopping run without going to Target.
By the time we were done shopping, my car was done & ready to be picked up. We had walking tacos for dinner & then enjoyed the most delicious cookie bakes from Mr. K's. If you've never had a cookie bake, I feel sincerely sorry for you.
On Sunday we went to church & met up with our brother so the girls could see the house (if you can even call it that?!) that he's living in this year with five of his buddies. The four of us had lunch at So Long Saloon & had a really nice time. It's so cool that we're all grown up & still really enjoy each others' presence. Our parents did a good job! *sniff sniff*
After lunch, the girls & I came back to my apartment to take some pictures for the blog of some new clothes, you'll see them soon! We rewarded ourselves with Starbucks & Disney movies. Sunday evening we ordered a pizza (thanks to my apartment complex who gave everyone a Christmas giftcard to Pizza Hut for a free pizza) & then proceeded to have a spa night. Our spa night consisted of chocolate chip cookie dough, facemasks, manicures & more disney movies.
On Monday morning we went to Smoothie King for breakfast & the girls were on their way. Overall it was such a wonderful weekend & I loved getting to spend a little extra time with my sisters!
In case you didn't see it, I announced some pretty big news this week:
I'm excited to share with all of you that I've accepted a position as the Middle School Counselor in Marion, KS for next school year! I feel so blessed by this opportunity to work in a smaller school & to be moving back closer to home. & I'm thrilled to continue working with middle schoolers (now that's something I never thought I'd say ;) )!
My prayer for my students is that through me, they will feel valued, heard, cared for, loved & important. I can't wait!
friday favs...
One of the things I felt like my closet was missing this fall & winter is a good basic black turtleneck sweater. I absolutely love wearing turtlenecks because they keep me so warm & cozy while I'm at school which most of the time is very cold. I have turtlenecks in a bunch of other colors but none in black, so I decided to go on the hunt & I found three great ones from different places! Check them out below.

I can see that by just looking at these three pictures next to each other that they don't look that different, but I promise they are!
The first one (far left) is incredibly soft chenille fabric from Wal-Mart. It comes in five other colors & is less than $10!!! This turtleneck is such a steal it's not even funny. It fits true to size & stops right at my hip line. I typically like for my tops, sweaters especially, to cover my bottom so if I were to buy this again I might size up one just to make sure that it will do that. Overall it's a really great turtleneck & I would've never guessed it to be from WalMart based on its quality. I'm wearing my favorite Madewell jeans & Steve Madden leopard mules.
The second one (middle) is from Amazon. It comes in nine other colors & is less than $50. This one is a lot more expensive & in my opinion, it shouldn't be! It's good quality, but it's no better than the Wal-Mart one. This turtleneck runs a little big. We ordered an extra small & it's very long (even on Avery who's the tallest sister!) & a bit baggy in the midsection area. It's definitely a nicer, more professional turtleneck than the other two, but for me, it wasn't anything special & therefore I didn't keep it. Avery is wearing her favorite Madewell jeans & Steve Madden black slip on shoes.
The third one (far right) is from Aerie & I LOVE it! I have it in a light pink color as well & I think it's just darling. It's also a chenille type fabric, but not as soft as the Wal-Mart one. This one has two side slits so I wear a black + white striped t-shirt underneath just to add a little pop of pattern. This turtleneck is just really cozy & fun because of the knitted material. Overall a huge fan! I'm wearing my favorite Madewell jeans & Steve Madden leopard mules, but I also have worn it with leggings. It appears to be sold out online so check in stores if you're interested! Also, no I don't have a tail. My cat Sophie just got a little jealous & wanted to be in a picture lol.
In case you missed them, check out the following links to see our posts from this week...
Favorite hair products / tools / accessories -- Alli: On Tuesday we started a new series in which my sisters, mom & I have compiled a list of hair products, tools, & accessories that each of us use regularly. We all have very different types of hair including length, texture, & preferred style. These posts will be great resources if you're looking for some new products, tools, or ways to style & revamp your hair. We'll divide it up into four separate posts & this week was my week!
Priming Lately -- January: On Wednesday we started another new series called Priming Lately. These posts will feature around ten different items that we've purchased from Amazon prime & our reviews. A lot of people are just now starting to explore more on Amazon & find out that they offer a huge variety of products & items. These posts will show the variety of things that we buy from there & if we’d recommend them or not! I’m really excited about this new series since I’ve become a huge fan of Amazon prime recently.
Trader Joe's Review: Calling all foodies!! On Thursday we shared a Trader Joe's review. The biggest town closest to our little small town recently got a Trader Joe’s & my mom & I are hooked. It was pretty overwhelming at first but once we got comfortable with the environment, we ended up finding a lot of holy grail food items that we can’t seem to get enough of.
bachelor recap...
Super excited to watch this episode! Is Kelsey going to go home? I think she should. It just doesn't seem to be a positive atmosphere for her & sometimes you just have to step back & do what's best for your mental health & you as a person, ya know? Nothing against champagne girl, but I think sending herself home would be best.
While I do love some good girl drama, this champagne fiasco (finasco according to Hannah Ann !!!) has gone on far too long & I'm kind of over it. Alayah said, "I will never look at a bottle of champagne the same way again." I've never heard truer words.
Peter looks gooooood in a flannel. & maybe it's just the small town girl in me talking, but I do love a boy in a red truck. Mhm. I'm here for it. I think maybe I'm the one for Peter? I should probably let him know. On his first date with Victoria P. they went line dancing!! Victoria told Peter that she's smitten for him & I have to say, I am too! While I really like Peter, I just can't get on board with Victoria P. I'm all for supporting people who have been through a lot & have a traumatic past, but I can't hear anything that she's saying when she's biting her dang lip! It's weird to me & I wish I could get past it but it's all I can see. Anyone else?
Let me just say, if some strange woman woke me up by hitting me with a pillow & screaming in my face, I would honest to goodness wet the bed. I might have nightmares about it tonight & wet the bed just from that! Props to these girls for smacking the heck out of each other with pillows with feathers flying everywhere & doing all of it with smiles on their faces. I'm not really a huge fan of violence like I don't like to watch wrestling or anything like that so I just wasn't a huge fan of this date. & to be honest, girls can be really mean & I definitely saw some hair pulling. That's not okay. Do better ABC.
Wow, Peter calling Sydney H. out at the end of the group date made my skin crawl. I totally understand why he did it. I appreciate bluntness & it seems that's what some of these girls need. I wasn't expecting Sydney to call Alayah out in front of Peter & in front of everyone. I'm super uncomfortable about the whole thing. I do agree with Sydney to the point that she sounds very rehearsed, but that's part of her job & how she's been trained. That doesn't mean she's here for the wrong reasons. That could just be how she is. I also have to say, I'm really not a fan of Alayah's dress. It reminds me of a dress one of my barbie dolls had growing up & I can't unsee it.
The girls who fix their hair, wear a full face of makeup & tons of jewelry crack. me. up. Like it's just so funny to me when they do that! Did Peter go up to each girl & ask about their opinion of Alayah or did they just offer it? Not every single girl in the house is going to get along with each other, that's just facts. But good golly, there has already been SO much girl drama on this season! I honestly feel bad for Peter.
Also, why does Alayah always say that she's kidnapping Peter when she wants to talk to him one-on-one?! She almost seems cooky enough to actually kidnap someone. If Peter Weber goes missing, we know where to look! In case you didn't notice the jiggly cheeks, Alayah was wearing a thong bikini bottom. I wouldn't call myself a prude, but some things need to stay off camera & private. The more that I see of Alayah the more I don't really like her. What do y'all think? Are you a fan of Alayah or no?
His moment with Madison was really sweet & I needed to see that to remind me why I liked her in the beginning! She is sweet & genuine, even if she has to remind herself of that by commenting on her own instagram posts. Do what you gotta do, girl.
Why would Alayah think that she or Victoria P. would get eliminated from the show for knowing each other previously? So many of the girls from past seasons have known each other. For example: Alabama Hannah & Caelynn from Colton Underwood's season, even Kelley from this season! She met Peter before coming on the show!! To me it all sounds like a crock & I think Peter should send her home. In conclusion, I think this was the lamest pool party in bachelor history!!
I was super curious to see the rose ceremony after the previews showed Chris Harrison taking away one of the roses. It was pretty difficult to watch honestly. Poor Mykenna. Poor poor Mykenna. She wanted the rose so badly, thank goodness she got it! I'm not upset that Alayah is leaving. I am, however, upset that Sarah is leaving! That girl is a cutie & just because she almost got knocked out during the pillow fight, doesn't mean she doesn't deserve love.
It wouldn't be the bachelor if they didn't leave us hangin'. Peter seems heartbroken over Alayah which I don't quite understand. & then seeing her come back?! I can't wait to see what happens next week!
some of my favorite quotes/scenes/takeaways…
"You just never know when someone's gonna snap, crackle, & f****** pop." - Natasha (of course)
"I don't do this to my bros." *Peter kisses Tammy* That has got to be the weirdest pick up line I've ever heard in my whole life!
So what do y’all think?!
Do you notice Victoria P.'s exaggerated lip biting? Are you lapping up all of the girl drama or ready for it to be over? Do you think Alayah is real or fake?
Leave your thoughts in the comments below!!
to look forward to...
My mom has always been really into simple crafty things around the house that also have a purpose. In November she has us write one thing we're thankful for each day on a leaf-shaped cut out. You can read that post here. In February, she & my dad write one thing they love about each kid on a heart-shaped cut out & tape it to their bedroom door each morning. While I don't live at home anymore, I know that my sisters really look forward to this each day in February. She'll be sharing more about this on Tuesday!
On Wednesday, we're starting a new thing called What's Up Wednesday. It'll be kind of a hodgepodge of things so you'll just have to look into it next week to see more of what it's about!
I've been wearing glasses/contacts since third grade. During high school, I developed an infection which caused blisters on my eyelids which made wearing contacts incredibly painful. I started wearing glasses regularly & incorporated different ones into my outfits. Glasses aren't cheap so I found a couple different websites & went from there. In this post I'll be giving my review on Zenni Optical & EyeBuy Direct. Stay tuned!
weekend plans...
My spring semester grad classes officially started this Tuesday. I'm taking twelve credit hours which doesn't sound like a lot, but since nine credit hour is full time for grad school, it feels like a lot. Especially since I'm working full time as well.
I have to remind myself that I'm doing this for such a good reason, so that I can be licensed & to learn how to best work with students.
This weekend I'll be doing a lot of reading through these textbooks & working on assignments. I'm not really a procrastinator & I really enjoy working ahead. That's part of why a blended program has worked so well for me!
What are your plans for the weekend? Drop them below in the comments, or feel free to message us on Facebook or Instagram! We'd love to hear what you're all up to. We hope you all have a wonderful & cozy weekend!
PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!