Get to know Avery

Most of you know that my mom & sisters help out tremendously with the blog & I had mentioned that they’d start sharing more about themselves later & the time has finally come! To start, check out what they’re doing under the “about us” tab on the main page.

Hey friends, I’m super excited to share a little bit about my life with you! I thought I would take this opportunity to share a little bit about myself first!

My stage of life

I just finished my freshman year at Kansas State University. I started the year off as an Athletic Training major on the Pre Physical Therapy route. However, halfway through second semester I realized I just wasn’t in love with it and decided to switch my major. Going into next semester I am starting classes as a Secondary Education major with an emphasis in history. I’ll be living in my sorority house for the first year and taking on a completely different course load, and I’m super excited to take on the changes from freshman to sophomore year.

As much as I love all things K-State, my real love is my summer job! I work for an educational travel company called World Classrooms. My job is basically like a traveling camp counselor. I get to lead hundreds of kids to Washington D.C. (and occasionally NYC) and show them all of the things they see in their history books coming to life! We get to hit all of the Smithsonian's, the Holocaust Memorial Museum, all the monuments and memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, and of course the Capitol and the White House! I am making six trips to Washington DC this summer, so I’ll be sharing some posts about my favorite places and things I learn from our tour guides!

Random things about me

To know me, there’s definitely some pretty important things you have to learn first to get to the core of who I am. First things first, Herbalife Teas. It may seem silly to put that first, but let’s be real, it’s a lifestyle. My favorite kind is Chiefs Kingdom at my local Herbalife Store, The Locker Room. My two high school best friends and I have spent quite a bit of time (and money) there over the past few years!

The best way to describe my relationship with Jesus is by explaining my cross tattoo! On my way to elementary school every morning my mom and I would give a thumbs up and say “I am thumbody special, God will be in my thinking, God will be in my speaking, and God will be in my heart” while making a cross over our heads, mouths, and then hearts. Of course like everyone else I am so imperfect, but I actively try to live and love like Jesus!

We all know and love Piper, and I am very proud to be a dog aunt, but I’m an even prouder cat mom! Willow is my (almost) three year old cat that I got after all my siblings left for college and I was in desperate need of a friend who was not either of my parents. Real talk, Willow might be the worst “therapy” cat out there. I maybe see her for 2 hours a day, maximum. When she’s not sleeping, she’s eating. The vet tells me every time that I need to put her on a diet because she’s “obese,” but I think she’s just happy. These pics really don’t do her justice either, the girl’s stomach literally almost touches the ground when she’s standing. Like I said, she’s not a good therapy animal, but she really is my spirit animal. She’s not very affectionate, doesn’t like physical touch, sleeping is her favorite thing, with snacking as a close second, and she’s super loud and you always know when she comes into a room (I’m self aware).

And finally, my family. Although they are after teas and Willow here, they are arguably the most important thing about me. You know us all from Alli’s lens, but here’s a little bit from my view.
My dad and I are literally the same person, put our ADD/ADHD together and we can talk for hours and not get a single thing done. He understands me better than anyone else and is the best listener I know.
My mom is the one who makes sure we stay on track. If you’ve ever told me something and told me not to tell anyone, I 100% told my mom.
And then of course we have Alli. If you ever get the chance I 10/10 recommend having a venting session with her. She uses her sister skills to relate to whatever you’re mad about, but then she also uses her counselor skills to make you feel validated and fixes all your problems. She’s also so authentic, who you all see online is exactly who she is and I think it’s so admirable the way she always stays 100% true to herself.
Next up is Ethan and although I’d never admit it to his face, he is just really cool. He gives the best movie and music recommendations and is so chill, and has the coolest stories. He’s definitely the person I would pick to be with when offered drugs on the beach in Honduras, as he was calm and collected and got the scary man away while I was pretty much peeing my pants.
Bethany, who you’ll be hearing from soon too, is only 20 months older than me and legit knows me better than I know myself. We shared a room for years growing up and were so excited to get our own rooms, yet still had (and still have) sleepovers literally all the time. Sisters really are built in best friends.
To know my family is to know me because they make me who I am and I am so thankful to be blessed with such good people in my corner.

Thanks for tagging along with me for my first official blog post! I’m very excited to share bits and pieces of myself with all of you!


Get to know Bethany


Life Lately