Get to know Bethany

Most of you know that my mom & sisters help out tremendously with the blog & I had mentioned that they’d start sharing more about themselves later & the time has finally come! To start, check out what they’re doing under the “about us” tab on the main page.

Hey friends, I’m super excited to share a little bit about my life with you! I thought I would take this opportunity to share a little bit about myself first!

My Education and Future Plans...

I just graduated from Kansas State University in May 2024 with my undergraduate degree in Human Development and Family Science. I graduated in three years so that I could get started on continuing my education sooner! I loved the idea of development and the different theories that came with that and ended up taking a “Pre Couples and Family Therapy” class my sophomore year. After that class I knew that I wanted to become a therapist and looked into what that would look like. I looked into several schools, but ultimately decided that K-State was where I wanted to be and applied for the Masters in Couples and Family Therapy Program in December. I then had over a four and a half hour interview in January and found out that I was accepted! I will be starting my Masters in August at K-State and I can’t wait!

This has been something that Alli and I have loved getting to talk to each other about because I am joining the mental health field alongside her. She has been one of the biggest supporters for me during this time of figuring out life and what I wanted to do! She also welcomed me with open arms into the “alumna” fam with these sweet bracelets.

More About Me...

Here are some of the things I love and a few of my favorites! I love Jesus and coffee and spending time with both of those is one of my favorite things! The current Bible Study I am working through is “Emotions and the Heart” from Daily Grace Co. I have been getting all of my Bible studies, study supplies, and extra reading from them and absolutely LOVE IT!

I love having my younger sister and older brother in Manhattan with me! It has been really fun having my older brother in Manhattan the last three years, even if we don’t see each other all the time, he is *normally* there when I need him! It is also bittersweet watching my younger sister get to experience all of the college things for the first time, I am so excited to watch her grow! Avery and I were basically connected at the hip when we were younger because we are so close in age, but when I left for college it was really hard being away from each other. I love having her here now and being able to grow in our friendship, as she is one of my best friends! A little picture proof of just how connected we are lol!

I loved being in a sorority! Go KD!! Going through recruitment and ultimately deciding on Kappa Delta at the end was one of the best decisions that I have made! I have met some of my absolute best friends in the house and am so thankful for the friendships that I know will last. My first year living in I met Addie, who has easily became someone who I can always call and who will always be there for me. She was my first roommate (the one in the far right pic) and at the time she was a junior and I was a scared sophomore. She made my transition into the house so easy and we quickly became best friends, and still are! This last year I was able to live with Tyler (the girl in the second pic) for the entire year! Normally we switch every semester, but we got lucky! She is actually my “twin” in the house, but we really didn’t know much about each other until we lived in and now she is someone who is such a solid friendship in my life and I am just so thankful to KD for introducing me to these people!

I love living in Manhattan especially during the summer when there aren’t as many students lol! I just moved out of my sorority house for the first time in two years and am now living in a “real house!” I am excited to “adult” more, but not excited to pay rent. I am living with two of my freshman year roommates again and am so excited to not have to plan a time where we get to see each other!!

I love going on walks while listening to true crime podcasts, shoutout Crime Junkie and Morbid! I recently got Alli started on Morbid and it is so funny hearing her talk about earlier episodes when I am so far in… over 500 in…

I love K-State Football and tailgating! Last football season my parents and Alli got season tickets and we became a tailgate family!! It has been one of my favorite things because college life is busy in general, so it was so nice to be able to know I would see them every weekend!

I love sushi!! One of my first Kappa Delta friends and I very quickly bonded over sushi and that is one thing that we do together! Unfortunately I don’t let my phone eat first, so I have no pics of my sushi to showcase so I’ll show my favorite person to go on sushi dates with! Makenzie and I don’t remember becoming friends freshman year, but all of a sudden we were always together. Most of my favorite college memories include her and I am so thankful!

My older sister, role model, and one of my best friends. Alli and I have a really special bond because of what she does and what I am aspiring to do. She is the most authentic, real, and genuine person that I know. She helps me want to make an impact on the world like she is!

That’s a little bit of a look into my life!! I love all of the things I mentioned above and all of them are a big part of my life! I am so grateful for the opportunity to share more about myself with all of you!

What’s to come...

Like I mentioned before, in August I will be starting my Master’s for Couples and Family Therapy and I can’t wait! I am also really looking forward to sharing a little bit more of what I am learning and how “adult” life is going with all of you! I can’t wait for the next few months and am ready to get started! Talk to you all soon!!


Life Lately


Get to know Avery