Talk about it Tuesday.. gratitude.
Recently when talking to a friend, she said to me, "no matter how hard you try, you can't change someone else's attitude." I've thought about that conversation a lot & she's so right, we can't change another person's attitude BUT we can change our own & be an example to others in the process. Do you write in a gratitude journal? It's something I've picked up & put down over the years, but overall I've found that when I'm intentional about counting my blessings, it makes my outlook more positive & makes it easier to truly see those blessings. I've done it a few different ways over the years depending on what works best in my current season of life.
Writing a list at the end of the day with as many things that I'm thankful for as possible
Keeping it out at my desk & adding to it throughout the day
Assigning myself a certain number of "thankfuls" to write down each day
Each year on my birthday, making a list of "thankfuls" from that year to match my current age
Just thinking back through my day as I lay in bed & not actually writing anything down
Right now what's working for me is a bit of a combination. I keep a journal on my desk & try to list ten things each day that I'm thankful for. Obviously with ten, there are repeats, but for me having a number to strive for makes me be more intentional throughout the day looking for things to be thankful for. Sometimes I write it down as the day goes along & sometimes I catch up on the whole day right before I leave my office or go to bed at night.
A couple of things I think are important to note: First of all, it's okay if a few days go by & you haven't gotten around to it. Don't be too hard on yourself if you're struggling with consistency especially as you are just starting out. There are times I still struggle with that & I've been doing it for years. Secondly, don't over think it. Below is a recent list of mine. As you can see, it is a big mix of random thoughts.
The sound of rain
Coffee in the morning
Relief from a headache
Comfy pajamas
Watching Avery play volleyball
My mom living close by
Becky (the name of our roomba)
Having the laundry done
Nightly chats around the kitchen bar
Supportive & encouraging teachers
A little tip from Alli: A cute notebook & a variety of colored pens makes me look forward to doing this each day. These are my all time favorite pens that I use for everything! From writing in my journal to taking notes, & even using them to write letters to people. This floral notebook + 3 pen set is really nice because it all comes together! Below I'm linking a few great options if you're just in the market for a journaling notebook.
Be Still Notebook / Grace Upon Grace Notebook / You Are Amazing Notebook / Simple White + Floral Notebook
I challenge you to give it a try & you just might find that the more you praise & celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate! Plus changing your own attitude might rub off on the people around you too!