Priming Lately


I've always loved Amazon prime, but it truly became my best friend this year. It's become my go-to because it's reliable, (most of the time) good quality, quick, easy to send back, etc. Before this year, I mostly used Amazon prime for buying textbooks or other random purchases. This year, I've really stepped it up & discovered that Amazon has just about everything I'll ever need. We thought it would be fun to start a series of ten items (today I'll be sharing nine) that we've bought on Amazon prime lately & what we think of them. In case you're new to this whole Amazon prime thing, check out some of the items below that I've been priming lately. I am warning you, it is a complete mix of randomness!

1. hamster bedding tray


Last year for Christmas, my brother got my youngest sister a hamster. I've never seen the color drain from my mom's face so quickly lol. My sister was beyond excited & so was my brother. Brownie points for him (only according to Avery). She needed to buy a couple things to properly house her new furry friend, Zoey, & this bedding tray happened to be one of them. It served its purpose well & was so easy to pull out & replace with a new one whenever it was time to change it. This 3 pack was super handy!

2. blue light blocking glasses


Being in grad school full time + having a full time job has put quite the strain on my eyes. I've been struggling with migraines & stress/tension in my neck & I wondered if part of my problem was too much screen time. I bought a pair of these blue light blocking glasses to see if it made a difference. I wore them for about a week & personally, I didn't see a change. They also made me a little bit dizzy. I think they're really cute & if you're someone whose eyes aren't as sensitive as mine, these would be a very good investment.

3. roomba


This year for Christmas my parents got me a roomba. My parents have one & absolutely LOVE theirs. I live in a one bedroom apartment with a cat & am also a very tidy & organized person. Because of all this, cleaning happens regularly. Both myself & my cat should be bald based off of how much we both shed — anyone else?! Anyways, I set up my roomba & used it for the first time when I got back to my apartment from Christmas break & I’m officially jumping on the roomba bandwagon! I love that dang thing! My parents run theirs about every other day or every third day, but I run mine every single day just because there's a lot of hair in a small space.

So if you’ve thought about it before but haven’t been able to pull the trigger, this is me telling you that you most definitely should. It’s truly life changing. Who knew cleaning your house was as easy as the click of a button? 😉

4. Avery's favorite face wash


My youngest sister, Avery, is a big lover of beauty products like myself. She's always excited to try out new things & express an opinion. A couple of years ago for Christmas, my parents got her a subscription to ipsy. Through that subscription, Avery was able to test out a bunch of new beauty products & she found a couple holy grails, one of them being this face wash. Avery swears by it! She says: "I've struggled with normal teenage acne & this product has worked so well without drying out my skin or irritating it. It’s a little pricier but it’s so worth the splurge to me!"

5. hazelnut coffee


Hazelnut coffee is my mom's favorite flavor. They were almost out & she had already gotten the groceries for the week, so she decided to just order some so that it would show up on her front porch the next day. She hasn't had to order it again but in a pinch she said it's a great option.

6. lunchbox


Working in a school, I do my best to pack my lunch most days. Because of this, I need a good lunchbox that offers good size & keeps things cold. & of course I want it to be cute. I found this lunchbox & I've used it every day since. It's a huge size & does exactly what it's needed for. Plus, it's less than $15!!!

7. cloth napkins


For years now my family has been using cloth napkins during meals in the place of regular paper napkins. It's saved us a lot of money & is better for the environment! I had a bunch of weddings to attend this past year & I wanted to come up with a gift that I could give all of my newlywed friends. I decided on cloth napkins because it has some personal meaning to me. I told those friends that whenever they use these napkins I hope it brings back memories of their wedding day & reminds them of the gift they share in being married. It's the simple things, like sitting down to dinner together.

I got a set for myself too because come on, they're cute!

8. self tanner


My skin is naturally very tan with olive undertones. In the winter months I can start to look a little green. It's kind of a problem. I used to go to the tanning beds a couple times a month to keep the green away, but I realize now that that wasn't the safest & healthiest option for my skin. I now use this self-tanner & it's truly wonderful! It's very easy to apply & doesn't stain anything. You can instantly see a difference in your skin, but it also develops over the course of ten minutes or so. I don't put it on my hands, feet, or face, so I can't say if it'll turn those areas an orange color or not, but it doesn't do that to my knees or elbows. I use this product a couple times a month in the winter.

9. Sophie's cat toy


I'm a cat mama through & through & I'm willing to admit that sometimes I spoil her. Okay I spoil her all the time. Rather than have her play with my feet or hands all the time, I've invested in some toys for her. One of the more comical ones has been this large rat. She's obsessed with it & seems to really enjoy flinging it around & kicking it. Poor thing. Oh well, as long as she's not wrapped around my legs, I don't care what makes her happy!

Just a warning, it's quite real looking. Especially in the wee hours of the night when you get up to use the restroom & it's sitting in the middle of the floor in your kitchen & you can only see the outline of its body from the light of the moon. No big deal.

PS - this post contained affiliate links... thank you so much for reading & supporting our blog!


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